Greenwich University

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Greenwich University

Imagine a place where learning is super exciting and essential! That's what Greenwich University Karachi is all about. Its story started in 1987 when they fought against not knowing how to read and write in Pakistan. They wanted everyone to have a chance to learn and be innovative.

Greenwich University is like a shining star in Pakistan's education world. They're good at teaching about Management Sciences (like how to run businesses), Social Sciences (learning about people and society), Humanities (studying art and culture), Media Studies (all about TV and news), and even Fashion (looking stylish and relaxed)!

In just 11 years, in 1998, Greenwich University became an official place where you can get degrees. The government of Sindh helped make it happen. They're famous for being great at business, even in other countries.

Greenwich University grew even more by adding new things. They started teaching Social Sciences in 2000. They made a magazine called G-Vision 2004 and even had a special department for excellent research in 2006.

They care a lot about making learning better. They made a particular group called Quality Enhancement Cell in 2007. They also started a research journal and had special events called Convocations.

They made friends with influential groups like NAFSA, IAU, and AACSB in 2011. They had a big party in 2012 for their 25th birthday. They did well and got awards in 2013. Greenwich University got even better in 2023 when it got recognized for doing good things for people and the world. All these cool things show how much they love teaching and improving the world.

Contact Information

DK-10, Street 38, Darakshan, DHA Phase 6, Karachi

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